RouteFinder on Your Phone
Cell Service in Acadia National Park
RouteFinder works great on mobile devices, but cell service is limited in Acadia National Park.
So pick your route while you have an internet connection and then go to the Directions page
and view the directions as a PDF file. You can save the PDF on your phone or email it to yourself.
You'll then be able to read the PDF without having cell service. You can also print the PDF file if
your PDF viewer app supports printing.
You can bookmark the Directions page in your browser and even create separate bookmarks for different routes.
The screenshot below shows the Favorites screen on an iPhone. It shows bookmarks for three different routes.

You can send a link to the directions to your friends. When they open the link, they'll see the directions and
also be able to click the Back to Routes button to see the map and the other routes from your route search.